Resident Engineering Inspection Services for the Reconstruction of Pelham Parkway, Phase 1
JED Engineering was retained as a sub consultant to provide resident engineering inspection services for this capital construction project. The reconstruction called for the replacement of not just the roadbed but the subsurface work below, including the installation of 24,000 linear feet of distribution water mains, the construction of 12,000 linear feet of storm and combined sewers with appurtenant manholes and chambers, and the installation of catch basins. Other related works such as new hydrants, curbs,
sidewalks, pedestrian ramps, traffic signals, street lights, signage and landscaping were also installed.
The project featured the complete reconstruction of the 2.2 mile main roadway from the Bronx River parkway to the Hutchinson River Parkway along with the south service road, from Boston Road to Bassett Avenue
Construction Cost: $36.1M
Status: Completed Oct 2013