Resident Engineering Inspection Services for the Installation of New Storm and Sanitary Sewers in Richmond Valley Road, Staten Island

JED Engineering was retained as a sub-consultant to provide Resident Engineering Inspection services on this major infrastructure project. The project includes approximately $2.5 million in BMP work. Contract work in close vicinity of the Staten Island Railway will require vibration monitoring as well as NYCT representative on site at all times during this work. The contract includes approximately 1,400 lf. of 12” ESVP sanitary sewer in jacked 30” steel sleeve, approximately 900 lf. of direct jacked 36” RCP Class V sanitary sewer. The city is considering adding approximately $1 million in additional storm sewer, catch basins, etc. The contract also called for the installation of 46 Standard Type 1 Catch Basins, the installation of 16,370 lf of concrete curbs, pedestrian ramps and roadway reconstruction.The contract includes $184,530.00 of traffic and street lighting work including pedestrian signals. The total amount of storm sewers to be constructed under this contract is 3,657 lf. The total amount of sanitary sewers to be constructed under this contract is 9,873 lf. A total of 3,510 lf. of new sanitary sewer house connection drains will be installed under this contract.

Construction Cost: $21.9 M

Status: Completed Aug. 2013